It’s a wee bit late to get my Christmas list off to Santa, but let’s be honest, I’m a Strong Independent Woman (TM) capable of earning the money to buy myself a present when I’d like one. Maybe not all the presents I’d like, but you know what I mean.

Also, Christmas has never been the same since that year I parked the motorbike I’d just bought under my newly purchased Christmas tree, which was decorated to match the bike.

The super-rare Ducati 998S Bostrom replica - only a very small number are left in the UK now :( and the rarest thing on the bike is the blue handlebar grips! It was covered in stars and sparkles so perfect for Christmas.

The super-rare Ducati 998S Bostrom replica - only a very small number are left in the UK now :( and the rarest thing on the bike is the blue handlebar grips! It was covered in stars and sparkles so perfect for Christmas.

I’ve gradually accepted that my motorbike days are on hold for a bit. I had dreams of racing at the Manx GP one year, but they changed the rules recently and I think I’m too old as a Newcomer now. It’s a real shame, but it’s a reminder to get on and do the things you want to do and not to put things off.

Anyway. Here are just a few things on my Christmas list this year.

Some of these are a bit more realistic and achievable than others, but it’s good to dream, right?

More harps:

  • A workhorse harp - I really like the Aoyama Venus, or a Salvi Symphony would be good. The black and bronze Lyon & Healy Style 23 is also very nice, but that’s getting into fancy territory like my beautiful Salvi Minerva. The whole point of getting another pedal harp is to have something a bit lower down on the budget scale that already has a few bumps and dings on it so it’s not the end of the world if it picks up any more.

  • An electroacoustic harp - a Lyon and Healy Style 2000 please

  • A clarsach - I’m torn between Dusty Strings, Starfish and Pilgrim. I think it would be Starfish for their excellent flight cases.

More electronics:

  • Right now I’m desperate for a Boss SL-20 slicer pedal but they’re discontinued now - sob. Santa is bringing me a voucher towards an Electroharmonix Super Pulsar which looks like the closest thing for the least £££ and I can’t wait! Santa has also brought me a synth pedal and I can’t believe I haven’t emptied the flat looking for it yet.

  • I’d also love a Boss RC-300 - the big daddy looper - and my Balmoral pay cheque will probably go towards that this year.

  • I’d also like a MIDI controller and/or a drum machine, but this is a whole new world for me and so if Santa needs specifics, this will have to wait until next year.

On the realistic, practical side of things - the slippers/pyjamas equivalent if you like - and the stuff that I’ll be buying myself this year anyway

  • New transport covers for my big sparkly harp - I keep hearing incredible things about Splashsacs so I’ll probably go to them. Mine were old when I got them and that was 10 years ago!

  • New bass wires and a service - I have a buzzy 4th D string and the bass wires were old when I got the harp 5 years ago so it’s definitely time to shut my eyes and hand over my credit card.

I’m still daydreaming of my dream harp room (remember Day 11 ?) and this is a little more in my control. Flat hunting will start very soon. Speaking of which….

I’ve not mentioned the dog situation - lots of people are asking, and yes there are plans for the pitter patter of four canine feet soon. Hopefully my Christmas telly viewing will be shared with a furry next year. But we/they need more space first.

I’ve not mentioned the dog situation - lots of people are asking, and yes there are plans for the pitter patter of four canine feet soon. Hopefully my Christmas telly viewing will be shared with a furry next year. But we/they need more space first.

I’m also daydreaming of an Audi RS6 estate, but since I don’t have the petrol/tyres budget to go with it, I’d settle for a pre-loved A6 AllRoad. I’m thinking about changing my car this year, but it heavily depends on where we end up buying a flat. West End parking is not fun, and I’ve already picked up a handful of scratches on my bumper and a broken wing mirror, none of which were my fault. So having a very fancy car is probably pointless.

Other than that, my list includes something that’s probably common to all harpists and musicians - more hours in the week to spend exploring, writing, creating and practicing.

And I’d love an easy-to-access quirky venue that’s reasonably central and not too pricey to hire so I can put on some more of my own stuff. I have one I use at the moment which is a joy (with a lovely super kind super helpful sound man) but it’s up several flights of stairs which means my big harp has to stay at home, and I’d love to do at least one gig where I use both.

I have a small supportive core audience which I’m incredibly grateful for, and I’d love to expand that some more this year. Hopefully if I work hard and keep going, I won’t need Santa for that.

Lastly, as the Spice Girls sang, “Giving is good, as long as you’re getting,” and hopefully a long list of things I’d like to Get will be offset by something I’m Giving.

Don’t forget about Coorie in for Christmas! This is a short cosy Christmas concert that I’ll be live-streaming via Facebook on Christmas Eve. It’s free and you don’t even have to get out of your pyjamas. The link to all the information is here - I hope to ‘see’ you there!

FB Christmas Thing event cover.png